Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008


ELVIS LOVES DONUTS, INC. has a date with a martini today.
In case things go terribly awry (or terribly right), please enjoy the following RAWKIN' pic of Metallica and accept my sincerest apology.

In case you didn't realize, I was being facetious about the "rawkin'" comment....


Here's God with the CEO of Starbucks...


Wednesday, October 29, 2008



The girl infamous for Johnny Depp's tattoo "Wino Forever".....formerly "Winona Forever"

Which gives us a perfect excuse to show Mr. Depp!

OK People. Let's concentrate and get back to the task at hand...

Let's take a look at the MANY dating stages of Miss Ryder.

Here she is with a jar of mustard....uh...I mean Mr. Depp.

And here with Dave Pirner from Soul Asylum (who I saw do a FREE show at the Pike Place Market last year).

I would look SO much better in a suit with Miss Ryder than that.

Oh yeah. MUCH better!

Here she is all dressed up fancy with Matt Damon.

And here she is with.....

Oh, mind.

Here she is cowardly lion?

And I think my favorite is Winona with....

I am so terribly sorry. But I am a human blogger, after all.

I leave you with an albino squirrel...

Yeah. I didn't know they existed either.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hi. Welcome to the day after Monday most commonly known as Tuesday.

Who here is amazed that it's almost November? Let's see a show of hands...

OK, that's just kind of creepy.....

Let's try a different approach.

Well, that'll have to do.

All this just reminds us that life is whizzing by....

“Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.” - Author Unknown

Only in reflection will you realize whether it was worth it or not. - Elvis Loves Donuts, Inc.

And the days go by so fast....

All at once you look across a crowded room
To see the way that light attaches to a girl

See how it all just flows together.....

And maybe this year will be better than the last.


Monday, October 27, 2008


Today is National Feel Good Day!

Enjoy these feel good stories!

Yes please.

And if you've had enough of all this uplifting news, you can always celebrated today's Iconic birthday and learn how to irritate people!

John Cleese!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Today is officially Saturday.
What do you want to talk about today? Go ahead. Name any topic.
Coffee and Love? You got it!

Breaking News:

Yes, that's right.
So, basically....

So, what I propose to you my friend, is to drink more coffee and love a little more.

'nuff said.


Friday, October 24, 2008


You made it to the weekend.
I suppose if you have to work over the weekend then my congrats comment kind of stung a bit.
Sorry about that.

Do you realize that next week is Halloween?
Do you have a costume ready?
Well, today is your lucky day because I'm going to present you with some options!

Here are some popular ideas:

You could be Chachi and get someone else to be Joanie!

This one might be a bit uncomfortable to get around in.....and someone would need to feed you between the bars....

This one might not be such a good idea...for obvious reasons...

If you've always wanted to be some weird kind of processed meat......

This is just wrong. And I know some people that wouldn't need the extra belly padding...

Do a few dozen situps in the next week and go as Matthew McConaughey

Just plain gross...

I guess if all else fails, you could start doing hard drugs, roll around in glass and smear peanut butter all over yourself then wait about 25 years and....


Thursday, October 23, 2008


Lots O' Iconic birthdays today!

So many in fact, I had to cancel my original blog subject consisting of Lima Beans and Mothra.

Let's get started!!

Johnny Carson!


Dwight Yoakum!


Weird Al Yankovic!

Doug Flutie!

And of course, Nicolas Appert!

Of course.
