Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Welcome to Wednesday. I hope it is everything you expected and more.
Time will tell how the day ends but so far I give it a thumbs up!

Trivia: At one time, Roger Ebert went on a date with Oprah Winfrey.

Don't worry Oprah. You still have Stedman.

There are a lot of birthdays today, but only ONE deserves the title Iconic:
Mickey Rourke!

Let's take a look at the metamorphosis that is Mr. Rourke:

I think I speak for all, when I say "????????!!!!".

Yikes. Maybe it would be best if we remember him like this:

Strolling through the Market on Sunday

I was reminded about the time I saw these guys playing a FREE show there:

I won't go into detail about how Tommy Stinson of The Replacements was playing bass, but I will show you this:

Bash and Pop was actually the first cd I owned. Excuse me while I take a little stroll down memory lane....

Not to be confused with 1313 Mockingbird lane.

Even though the result is the same.

Again, I think I speak for all when I say, "???????!!!".

Today's quote:

We are born with a scream; we come into life with a scream, and maybe love is a mosquito net between the fear of living and the fear of death.
--Francis Bacon

I'm not even going to try and follow that.


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